Carts are the cheapest and most basic type of Transportation Unit / vehicle. Many more buildings can craft and store them than Boats, Ships or Trains. They also require no Research prerequisites to build ranked 1 Carts. These simple wheeled constructions can seriously improve your storage and trading without breaking the bank.

Carts, even high ranking Carts, are made only of Hemp. This means that building owners with very limited production access can usually put together enough to make some kind of Cart. Small as they can start, Carts still require crew to manage, especially if you plan to send them trading and raiding.

In the ancient tradition of land-based banditry, Carts can be sent to auto-raid their neighbors. Remember that you still can't leave your home region so rewards (and victims) will all be in the same area you live. Carts have the shortest of all transport raiding cycles and the lowest chance to intercept.
Construction and Storage Buildings
There are many buildings in the game that can either store or build carts. The Cargo Dock and Lodge can do both at the same time. These are very common forms of transportation and are expected to serve many purposes in a settlement. If allowed to, players will buy lots and build places to construct and store their Carts and rent extra Cart storage to their neighbors.
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